Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum (MERIF) 2022 WORKSHOP June 1-3, Madison, WI

MERIF, or the Midscale Experimental Research Infrastructure Forum, unites NSF-affiliated research infrastructure providers and users to enhance science infrastructure by sharing experiences and expertise. Its mission includes recruiting researchers proficient in utilizing NSF’s midscale research facilities effectively. MERIF achieves this by boosting community awareness, breaking usage barriers, sharing best practices, and promoting cross-facility research. Additionally, MERIF identifies research infrastructure gaps within CISE research domains and suggests interdisciplinary solutions, focusing on computer science and beyond.

These infrastructures possess key features, such as supporting multiple experiments, ensuring documented experimental reproducibility, enabling quick recovery for subsequent experiments, and facilitating high-quality research at the frontiers of science, engineering, and related research domains.

Dr. Jason Lui presented “Reconfigurable “Platform” for Transdisciplinary Research” at the MERIF workshop. 
A copy of the presentation can be download here